Special Educational Needs & Disability Provision

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision

As you may be aware, the Government has transformed the system for children and young people with special educational needs, including those with disabilities, so that services consistently support the best outcomes for them. The Children and Families Bill has extended the SEND system from 0 – 25 years and there are also changes to the way in which SEND is funded in schools.

Under the new Code of Practice which became statutory in September 2014, there will no longer be Statements of Education issued. Instead, any new referrals will be issued with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Identification, intervention and expected outcomes for children on the Record of Need will be monitored and reviewed regularly. IEPs remain statutory for children with EHCPs and  so IEP and annual reviews will continue if you have a child with an EHCP.

Further information and guidance is available through the Devon County Council website: www.devon.gov.uk/send which sets out the support available for children and young people who have SEND (with an EHCP or not). 

The emphasis of this new national agenda is on quality first teaching and a targeted intervention model. Teachers, SENDCos and parents will continue to work together to plan support and strategies for our children with additional needs. Please do not hesitate to ask further questions.

Please follow this link to see our latest SEND Information Report  updated in May 2024