Pupil Premium Funding
Pupil Premium Funding
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.
It is provided for every child who has been registered as either eligible for free school meals, has a parent in the armed forces, in care or for a child who has been adopted.
The funding received is based on:
£2535 for Special Guardianship
£1455 for a child eligible for free school meals
£335 for a child with a parent in the armed forces.
For the 2020/2021 academic year we received £120,697.
For the 2021/22 academic year we received £128,295
For the 22/23 academic year we received £128,080
For the 23/24 academic year we received £136,570
For the 24/25 academic year we received £128,250
Barriers to Learning
Children who are eligible for pupil premium may face some barriers to their learning and these may include:
- Limited vocabulary on entry to school
- Limited cultural opportunities and experiences
- Limited contact with role models who are high achieving and/or a knowledge of how to get there
- For some children there can also be emotional challenges at times, especially for services children or children in care
How we will support learning and measure impact
Every child's progress and attainment is continually monitored by class teachers.
The headteacher or deputy headteacher meet with year group teachers every term (Class Progress Meetings = CPMs) to assess children's progress and to discuss required intervention plans which may support children who are either falling behind or who are ready to be further challenged.
The Senior Leadership Team meet termly after the CPMs to discuss and plan any required intervention programmes and resources.
The Governors take a strategic overview of this assessment cycle and have appointed a lead Governor to oversee the monitoring of the Pupil Premium funding.
The impact of the Pupil Premium funding is measured through a child's progress whilst attending Tavistock Primary & Nursery School and also how the school is closing the attainment gap between those children entitled to this extra funding and those children who are not entitled.
Governors regularly monitor and review Pupil Premium spending and impact throughout the year. A strategy of detailed spending is put in place each Autumn Term and builds upon the review from the previous year.
Please click on the links below for more detailed information on how we use our annual Pupil Premium Funding.
Outcomes for Pupil Premium Children
2023 KS2 outcomes:
60% reading
44% writing
68% maths
2023 KS1 outcomes:
35% reading
25% writing
55% maths
2023 Y1 phonics outcomes: 85%
2023 EYFS GLD outcomes: 30%
2022 KS2 outcomes:
83% reading
50% writing
79% maths
2022 KS1 outcomes:
73% reading
55% writing
45% maths
Y1 phonics outcomes: 50%
EYFS GLD outcomes: 33%
2019 KS2 outcomes:
76% reading
72% writing
72% maths
Reading, Writing and Maths combined 60%
Reading +1.90%
Writing -0.20%
Maths -0.20%
2019 KS1 outcomes:
75% reading
50% writing
75% maths
Finance benchmark for school website:
Financial Historic Data for Tavistock Primary & Nursery school
Financial HistoricalData-113265.csv"