
At Tavistock Primary and Nursery School, music is intrinsic to our celebrations and community events. We take every opportunity to sing and perform, be it at our termly Celebration Assemblies, Family Assemblies or local events such as the Christmas Dickensian evening and Tavistock’s annual Summer Carnival. We have a large choir who rehearse regularly and we have whole-school singing every week.  

As a school, we celebrate a different ‘Musician of the Month’ which enables pupils to explore artists from different genres, cultural backgrounds and time periods; creating a culture of musical appreciation and understanding. Pupils broaden their musical repertoire whilst developing their knowledge of the world historically, geographically and politically.   

In Nursery and Reception children will learn to make music together, through singing games, songs, rhymes and listening activities. Using their bodies and untuned percussion, children learn to move and play in time to music. In KS1, pupils enjoy whole class music lessons learning about pitch, pulse and rhythm through songs, chants and musical games. Children begin to accompany songs with instruments including recorders and glockenspiels, and learn to play Boomwhackers and Djembe drums. Pupils in KS2 will build on these foundations, developing their composition skills and exploring different instruments and musical notation. Years 5 and 6 take part in an annual Transitions Choral Project which develops links with other local Primary Schools and the local Secondary School. 

In addition to the music curriculum, children are able to access drum and guitar lessons and we often have guest musicians, who come in to perform live for the children. 

Please see below for our curriculum map which shows further detail of the learning for each year group and how we might adapt the curriculum to ensure all children are included and their needs are met.

Also below is our music development plan for this academic year.


Click here to have a closer look at what music looks like at Tavistock Primary and Nursery School