Reception: Class 2 and Class 3
Welcome to Reception
We are the class teachers: Mrs Wellard & Mrs Kerswill (Class 2), Miss Law (Class 3)
Key Information
In the autumn term, we have PE on Tuesdays in Class 2 and Class 3.
In Reception, we also plan and organise a range of activities which support physical development of both gross and fine motor skills within our daily continuous provision.
You can find further details of what your child is learning each week by looking at the half termly plans.
Schools must complete the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) for each child in the first 6 weeks after they enter reception. See the parent guide below for further information.
Please make sure you are sharing books with your child and that you are supporting them with their reading at home. Once your child starts to learn phonics, they will bring home books to practice the sounds and words that they know and are learning.
See below for the Reception suggested reading list.
Stars of the Week!
Congratulations to the following children for being this week's stars of the week.
Class 2: Charlotte
Class 3:
Exciting news!
On Friday 27th of June, the reception children will be going on a visit to Wembury beach for a rockpool safari.
The cost of the trip will be around £16 and we will send out more details nearer the time. We are informing you now so if you need to save towards this trip, you have plenty of time.
This week we have learned the digraphs 'ur' as in fur and 'ow' as in brown owl.
We celebrated World Book Day and did a whole school poem about what we saw in the forest. We had to perform this in a whole school assembly at the end of the day.
We have also learned some interesting facts about spiders. Maybe you could go on a spider hunt!
Autumn Treasures
Reception have been talking about the changes around them in Autumn, the temperature change, trees losing their leaves and needing to wear warmer clothes.
Mrs Ruth, Mrs Kerswill and Miss Law have challenged the children to complete an 'Autumn Treasure Hunt' in their own time. The children have started bringing their bags back to class and we have enjoyed using our senses to explore what they have found.
The Human Body
We have been learning all about our body parts. It was fun to draw around each other and to label the different body parts. The children have been looking at artists such as Paul Klee and creating their own self portraits, looking very carefully at facial features.
Hedgehog Rescue
Pam from Greatfield Hedgehog Rescue in Okehampton came in to speak with the children about the work the charity does to rescue and rehabilitate injured and sick hedgehogs. We learned about the things we can do in our garden to look after hedgehogs.
This week we have learned the graphemes 'sh', 'ch' and 'th'.
'Th' has a voiced phoneme and an unvoiced phoneme as in the word feather or in the word thunder. Encourage your child to stick out their tongue when they say this sound.
Please use the flashcards that have been sent home to practise all the single letter phonemes and these new digraphs. You could try playing games by putting the cards together to blend into simple words like
c-a-t or sh-i-p.
This week we have learned the 'ng' and 'ai' digraphs.
Although reading books are changed on a Thursday, we do hear the children read their books through the week. Please could you ensure that your child has their reading book and diary with then every day.
This week we have learned the phonemes 'oi' and 'ear'.
We have started learning all about minibeasts and listened to the poem 'Moaning Minibeasts'. Perhaps you could go on a minibeast hunt in your garden or the park and see what you can find.
We are also looking at signs of Spring and have frogspawn in our classroom.
People who help us
Medical students from Plymouth university delivered a 'Teddy Bear Hospital' session with both Class 2 and Class 3. The children took part in a carousel of activities and became junior teddy medics! The children learnt about the heart, bones, temperature and the importance of washing our hands. We also had a go at bandaging our own teddy and writing prescriptions.
Hedgehog Bread
We made bread after our harvest festival and listening to the story, 'The Little Red Hen'.
We watched the dough rise, kneaded and shaped it and then cut spikes in the top with scissors to make hedgehog rolls. We used raisins for the eyes and put them in the oven to bake.
Pyjama Day!
We earned 2 marble Jars and we chose to come into school in our pyjamas as our reward.
We have been making good choices and doing fantastic listening and learning!
Garden Day!
The children thoroughly enjoyed their first Garden Day.
We read 'Stanley's Stick' in the morning and completed some Stick themed activities e.g. stick bubble wands and nature drumming.
We also read the story 'Leaf Man' and participated in leaf themed activities, e.g. Leaf threading and leaf art.
We had great fun with the parachute and worked together to lift the leaves into the air!
We finished our day with hot squash and a sing-song.